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kneiss island is an archipelago of small Islands in the Gulf of Gabes
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The Kneiss archipelago is made up of 4 islets
Bessila ,Hjar , Laboua and Gharbia
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The archipelagos of Kneiss national classified nature reserves
sensitive coastal zone and Marine and Coastal Protected Area
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kneiss island
international classified ASPIM, ZICO and RAMSAR
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Explore the island
Eco-tourism Tour

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The Kneïss Islands is generally characterized by the presence two opposite climates:
a dry and hot Saharan climate and a relatively humid and temperate Mediterranean
Two situations are then observed:
• In summer, cool and humid air coming from the sea and pushed by winds from the SE sector, that can be limited by sirocco (dry and hot wind) coming from the Sahara.
• In winter, dry air coming from midland.

Finding the location !


Enrichissement et mise en oeuvre de nouvelles activités attractives du circuit écotouristique par des composantes écologiques et culturelles pour la promotion et la valorisation de l’écotourisme durable des îles Kneiss.

Les femmes collectrices pêcheurs à pied des îles kneiss conscientes de la vulnérabilité des espèces marines (Palourdes), vont être engagées pour préserver ces espèces par la valorisation et la promotion de la chaine de valeur d’autres espèces (Couteaux).

Ce projet vise à mieux gérer la future AMCP de Kneiss en améliorant les compétences du comité de cogestion tout en impliquant la communauté locale ainsi que la préservation de la …

Kniess full of life !

its status as a natural reserve, the Kneiss archipelago is also classified as a SPAMI, an important area for the conservation of birds (IBA) and a RAMSAR site. It is also a future marine and coastal protected area. At sea the estuary configuration of the archipelago encourages the development of thousands of hectares of Posidonia meadows, of Cymodocea and Zostera which serve as a nursery for the fishes. Up to 330,000 birds can be observed in the winter amongst which are vulnerable species on a Mediterranean scale, such as the greater pink flamingo and other endangered species such as the white spoonbill and the slender-billed gull.

